I think one of the most difficult things for any practitioner is treating chronic conditions that have left a patient feeling helpless, frustrated and at the mercy of managing it with pharmaceutical drugs that bring with it, it’s side effects.
As an auto immune disease, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) falls into a category of illness that is typically difficult to treat beyond symptom control and if caught early enough – a slow down of joint degeneration.
As meds manage but can not stop the progression and there can be long term side effects, it is important to look at other possible therapies that are not harmful. There is hope for healing without complications. It is a compound that is known to practitioners of traditional Indian and Chinese medicine for generations: curcumin from turmeric (Curcuma longa).
Studies have shown that curcumin can reduce C-reactive protein (CPR) , a measure of chronic inflammation, as well as anti-streptococcal antibodies (ASO) titers, which correlate with severity of RA activity.
Another modality helpful in healing arthritis is cold laser therapy. We use the Bioflex Cold Laser in our clinic with impressive results. As Naturopathic Physicians we take a holistic approach to healing by looking at other environmental issues that may be related such as heavy metals and food sensitivities.