September is National Arthritis Month. Conventional therapies focus on pharmaceuticals which mask the symptoms and very often have adverse side effects. These side effects have led arthritic sufferers to seek out natural safer alternatives.
Do you suffer from chronic pain throughout your day? Do you have to take medication everyday just to function? Cold Laser Therapy has helped many Canadians -from ordinary people to elite athletes – get rid of pain and get back to the activities they enjoy most: playing their sport, a round of golf, gardening, or playing with the grandkids.
The most common form of arthritis is degenerative osteoarthritis, affecting approximately 80% of the population by the age of 65. A clinical study of 98 patients presenting with osteoarthritis of the knee at the Meditech Laser Rehabilitation Centre in Toronto, Ontario showed a significant improvement rate in excess of 92%.
Cold Laser Therapy uses light energy which penetrates the tissue and converts it to bio-chemical energy. It’s effect is at the mitochondrial level of the cell giving the cell energy thereby increasing the healing effect for regeneration and repair.
The bioflex laser that we use at the Semiahmoo Wellness Center in South Surrey/White Rock is a non invasive, non-toxic therapy that works great for both acute and chronic conditions. We have experienced great success with osteoarthritis of the hip, knees, and spine.