New Study confirms the importance of exercise and diet in prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease.

A new study shows that exercise, a Mediterranean diet and a healthy BMI all are associated with less tangles and lower levels of plaques seen on the brain scans of Alzheimer patients.

In addition, previous studies have linked a healthy lifestyle to delays in the onset of Alzheimer’s, but this new study is the first to demonstrate how lifestyle factors directly influence abnormal proteins in people with slight memory loss who have not been diagnosed with dementia thus far. In addition, these factors have also been shown to reduce shrinking of the brain and lower rates of atrophy in individuals with Alzheimer’s.

Nutritional Considerations

In addition to diet and exercise there are several nutrients to consider in treatment and prevention. In a study published last year in JAMA Neurology demonstrated a significant association between vitamin D insufficiency and cognitive decline specifically seen in Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Cold Laser Therapy and Alzheimer”s

Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT) or Cold Laser Therapy has historically been used to treat inflammation, arthritis and musculo-skeletal injuries. More recently research has indicated it’s use and effectiveness in treating both traumatic brain injuries (concussions) and degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

In Dr. David Permutter’s book, “The Better Brain” he states that Inflammation is linked to nearly all chronic brain diseases, including Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, M.S. and dementia. The National Institute of Health (NIH), published an abstract in December 2010, it stated that, “the applications of LLLT have broaden to include such as stroke,myocardial infarction and degenerative and traumatic brain disorders. “

The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 32 (2012), in the study “ Low Level Light Therapy Improves Cortical Metabolic Capacity and Memory Retention” came to conclusion that cold laser therapy had a significant impact on neuronal function and could also be used as preventative therapy to those who present with risk factor for Alzheimer’s Disease.

Our office has just received our first cold laser from Vielight which has been designed for traumatic and degenerative brain injuries.


Researchers at UCLA say they’ve developed a program that shows for the first time memory loss being reversed using a non-drug protocol. They took ten patients with memory loss, some confirmed Alzheimer’s with brain scans. With all but one, reversed their memory loss. The one that did not respond had severe Alzheimer’s Disease. They followed up 2 ½ years later and were still doing well.


In the report provided by UCLA, Dr. Dale E. Bredesen explains how Alzheimer’s is a complex disease affected by sleep, diet, even exercise. In the study they had the patients make drastic lifestyle changes. They had the patients off processed foods, gluten, and simple carbohydrates. Increase their protein with fish. Take fish oil, Bi2 and melatonin. In addition do yoga, meditation, and get adequate amount of sleep.


UCLA researchers say the findings suggest at least early on, changing a person’s metabolic processes can bring back memory and cognitive function.


Have You Had a Cocktail Lately?

We are no longer only what we eat, we are also what we absorb. As we know, healthy eating and lifestyle are key in keeping our body balanced and well. However, increased nutritional demand, reduced absorption, lack of nutrition and can drastically reduce our body’s nutritional status and overall health. Increased nutritional demand can be associated with conditions such as chronic stress, insomnia, travel, pregnancy, athletic performance, viral and bacterial infections, and chronic illness. On the other hand, reduced absorption can result from a variety of common issues including acute or chronic stress, ulcers, allergies, diarrhea, constipation, inflammation (IBS, IBD, Crohn’s) and excess or deficient stomach acid.

Intravenous (IV) Vitamin & Mineral therapy is an excellent way to increase your nutritional status. IV Vitamin therapies, such as Myers’ Cocktails developed by Dr. John Myers, MD, use highly concentrated vitamin and mineral infusions that are administered intravenously. This ensures maximum absorption and delivery of nutrients at the cellular level, bypassing the digestive limitations discussed above.

Common vitamins and minerals used in Vitamin IV therapy include: Vitamin C, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, B complex, Magnesium and Calcium.

Intravenous (IV) Vitamin & Mineral therapy is an excellent way to increase your nutritional status. IV Vitamin therapies, such as Myers’ Cocktails developed by Dr. John Myers, MD, use highly concentrated vitamin and mineral infusions that are administered intravenously. This ensures maximum absorption and delivery of nutrients at the cellular level, bypassing the digestive limitations discussed above.

Common vitamins and minerals used in Vitamin IV therapy include: Vitamin C, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, B complex, Magnesium and Calcium.

IV therapy is especially useful in improving and treating conditions such as:

-colds and flus
-fatigue and high levels of stress
-Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
-allergies and hayfever
-malabsorption and digestive problems
-migraine headaches
-cardiovascular dis.
-athletic recovery and endurance

Alzheimer’s Disease is a Global Concern

Another year almost over! Lots of learning and a lot of changes as we move into the New Year. I was attending a seminar on ” Healthy Aging” last weekend and it sure drove home how the daily decisions we make about our food choices and health greatly impact our present and future health. One of the hot topics was Alzheimer’s Disease which is becoming quite a Global concern.

There presently are 750,000 Canadians suffering from Alzheimer’s or related conditions. Of the G 8 countries, Canada is the only country that does not have a prevention strategy. People with Alzheimer’s will double by 2033.Alzheimers is now considered to be Type 3 Diabetes. The key is to prevent it. There is a Prevention Protocol that has been developed with 14 items which we are starting to implement in our office starting December 18th. This is also a strategy that may help someone already dealing with Alzheimer’s Disease. If you are interested in knowing more or want to start using this protocol phone our office to make an appointment with one of our Naturopathic Physicians.

Uses of Coconut Oil

coconut uses infographic

Learn how the coconut tree provides all-around benefits — from its husks and roots to coconut oil — through our infographic “Plant of Life: An Infographic on Various Coconut Uses.” Use the embed code to share it on your website or visit our infographic page for the high-res version.

<img src="" alt="coconut uses infographic" border="0" style="max-width:100%; min-width:300px; margin: 0 auto 20px auto; display:block;"><p style="max-width:800px; min-width:300px; margin:0 auto; text-align:center;">Learn how the coconut tree provides all-around benefits -- from its husks and roots to coconut oil -- through our infographic "<a href="">Plant of Life: An Infographic on Various Coconut Uses</a>." Visit our infographic page for the high-res version.</p>

Do You Have a Grain Brain?

I just picked up  another book on the effects of gluten and grains on your brain health. If you have read the book ” Wheat Belly” by Dr. William Davis you will enjoy Dr. Perlmutter’s book ” Grain Brain”. He demonstrates that your brain health is not in your genes but in the food you eat. He suggests that the cornerstone of all degenerative conditions including  brain disorders, is inflammation, which can be triggered by carbs, especially those containing gluten and/or high sugar. He suggests a healthy brain diet consists of one that contains low carbohydrates (healthy low glycemic) and is high in “good fats”  He also covers how statin drugs may be erasing your memory and decreasing your energy. It may even be responsible for keeping your sex life under the shelf. Statins lower cholesterol and cholesterol is important for making testosterone. Low testosterone ( in both men and women)  effects your libido and ability to perform. Plenty of studies have confirmed this connection. Decreased libido is one of the most common complaints among statin users, and lab reports have repeatedly demonstrated low testosterone in statin consumers. The Semiahmoo Wellness Center in White Rock offers testing for Gluten Sensitivity and testosterone levels. See Dr. Perlmutter at:

Jump Start Your Brain

The nervous system and brain are getting a lot of attention recently especially since the baby boomer population is aging. I am going to blog a few articles over the next month on how to jump start your Brain, improve your I. Q., and improve memory and focus. This will be helpful for everyone especially the aging population and students.

Water is very critical, drinking 17 oz.of water can increase your metabolism by 30% and this includes improving brain function. Never skip meals – attention span shortens and performance decreases. Carry a bag of nuts or low carb protein bar for situations when you feel you don’t have time for breakfast or lunch. Do not use energy bars as they are overloaded with sugar. Do not eat sugar before long study periods or taking exams. Thirty to forty minutes after eating a dose of sugar or starch the body creates a low blood sugar level which will reduce energy and brain function. As Dr. Barry Sears stated, “Food is the most powerful drug in the world. The door swings both ways.Food can be the magic elixir to anti-aging or it can be what causes your worst nightmare with your health”. Chose wisely.

Alzheimers now considered ” Type 3 Diabetes “

Well, I just got back from a seminar in Phoenix on “INFLAMMATION”. One of the keynote speakers “Dr. Dan Murphy ” stated that a new theory of Alzheimer”s Disease was that it was a similar mechanism of type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes is caused by a problem in the way your body makes or uses insulin. Insulin is needed to move blood sugar (glucose) into cells, where it is stored and later used for energy.

When you have type 2 diabetes, your fat, liver, and muscle cells do not respond correctly to insulin. This is called insulin resistance. As a result, blood sugar does not get into these cells to be stored for energy.

When sugar cannot enter cells, high levels of sugar build up in the blood. This is called hyperglycemia.

Type 2 diabetes usually occurs slowly over time.

Now the brain is a glucose hog. It runs on glucose and needs glucose also to produce energy or ATP. When glucose can’t get into your cells in other parts of your body, it also can’t get into your brain cells. If the neurons of the brain can’t get the energy they need they will begin to die off. Dr. Murphy claimed that patients with Alzheimers who went on a low glycemic diet and used other strategies for regulating glucose metabolism had favourable responses.

See the following article:

The Semiahmoo Wellness Center in South Surrey has put together blood tests and strategies to evaluate individuals who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease.