Acupuncture IMMEDIATELY helps with Sequela of Stroke

Sequela of stroke/apoplexy refers to paralysis of limbs, distortion of face and difficulty in speaking after the attack of acute cerebrovascular disease, similar to wind stroke and paralysis in TCM acupuncture. It is caused by non-restoration of the visceral functions, retention of phlegm and blood stasis in the meridians as well as abnormal flow of meridian qi.
Paralysis of limbs on one side, accompanied by numbness or pain or susceptibility to sweating, distortion of face, stiffness of tongue and difficulty in speaking and swallowing.
Body acupuncture and Scalp acupuncture can immediately help with it.
Make an appointment with Cindy Ma ,TCMP & Reg. Acupuncturist & Reg. Herbalist at Semiahmoo Wellness Centre
Please call @ 604-535-4003.

Weight Loss solution to COVID weight gain.

The Semiahmoo Wellness Center has been using the ChiroThin weight loss program at our clinic for the past 5 years with great success. It is a doctor assisted program where we monitor you weekly to make sure you are losing fat and not muscle mass. You are not using shakes or powders but actual real food so that when you are finished the program you just keep eating real food. There are no injections with needles and no major exercise for the 6 weeks you are on the program.  We have found that some people can lose weight with regular exercise and a very healthy diet, but others have a harder time losing those stubborn pounds. Our program is designed to look at how stress can impact your ability to lose weight and to help you lose weight the fastest and healthiest way possible.  Give our office a call and book a complimentary 15 minute appointment to see if this program is for you.

How Many Sessions Of Acupuncture to Treat Insomnia

Insomnia can often be caused from mood sickness and the change of environment. We use different methods to treat both chronic or acute situations in acupuncture. Acupuncture can treat acute situations right away and give relief. In order to avoid mental obstacles, it is suggested to come for the treatment at early morning or noon time. For insomnia we use sterile and refined needles with a light technique after giving a gentle acupressure massage. . The patient can often fall sleep easily on the same day of the treatment. Clinically by using ear seeds and/or prescribed herbs with the treatment, the patient will get even better effects. A good night’s sleep can help you have more energy and help you with improved function throughout the day.
If you are suffering with insomnia and would like to try acupuncture with Cindy call our clinic at 604-535-4003 to make an appointment.

We Have a New Addition to Our Clinic !!

The Semiahmoo Wellness Centre would like to welcome Cindy Ma, an acupuncturist and TCM practitioner!

Coming from a family rooted in Acupuncture, Cindy has been developing her passion in TCM for over 10 years During this time, she has been extensively studying and practicing acupuncture and Chinese herbs in North America. Out of school she also received mentorship from worldwide experienced teachers. Cindy is currently registered as an active TCM Practitioner with CTCMA.

She treats women struggling with emotional issues from daily life. She also treats patients with injuries from sports and motor vehicle accidents. Cindy treats a variety of health concerns, as approved over 50 conditions by the World Health Organization.

Cindy is now accepting patients. To make an appointment with Cindy, call our office at 604-535-4003.



How to make sure it is Organic.

At our clinic Semiahmoo Wellness Centre in South Surrey/White Rock I am always recommending to my patients that when they are making healthy choices for themselves and their families to purchase organic, non genetically modified fruits and vegetables.Studies show not only does organically raised food taste better but many studies have shown that organic has a greater quantity of nutritional value. The next question patients ask is how can you tell if it is organic. Most stores don’t label if a food has been genetically modified and of course you are not going to be told what pesticides or herbicides were used in the farming practice of raising that produce. One way to tell how it is raised is by looking at the sticker. The code will give you valuable information. If the label has 4 digits, beginning with 4 then it is conventionally grown and may be sprayed with synthetic pesticides, not genetically modified. If is a 5 digit code beginning with a 9, this equals organic, not genetically modified. If it is a 5 digit, beginning with an 8 it is genetically modified produce. Even if we are eating healthy we may not be absorbing all the nutrients that are in our food. Naturopathic doctors are good at assessing what you may be lacking from your diet.

New Study confirms the importance of exercise and diet in prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease.

A new study shows that exercise, a Mediterranean diet and a healthy BMI all are associated with less tangles and lower levels of plaques seen on the brain scans of Alzheimer patients.

In addition, previous studies have linked a healthy lifestyle to delays in the onset of Alzheimer’s, but this new study is the first to demonstrate how lifestyle factors directly influence abnormal proteins in people with slight memory loss who have not been diagnosed with dementia thus far. In addition, these factors have also been shown to reduce shrinking of the brain and lower rates of atrophy in individuals with Alzheimer’s.

Nutritional Considerations

In addition to diet and exercise there are several nutrients to consider in treatment and prevention. In a study published last year in JAMA Neurology demonstrated a significant association between vitamin D insufficiency and cognitive decline specifically seen in Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Cold Laser Therapy and Alzheimer”s

Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT) or Cold Laser Therapy has historically been used to treat inflammation, arthritis and musculo-skeletal injuries. More recently research has indicated it’s use and effectiveness in treating both traumatic brain injuries (concussions) and degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

In Dr. David Permutter’s book, “The Better Brain” he states that Inflammation is linked to nearly all chronic brain diseases, including Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, M.S. and dementia. The National Institute of Health (NIH), published an abstract in December 2010, it stated that, “the applications of LLLT have broaden to include such as stroke,myocardial infarction and degenerative and traumatic brain disorders. “

The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 32 (2012), in the study “ Low Level Light Therapy Improves Cortical Metabolic Capacity and Memory Retention” came to conclusion that cold laser therapy had a significant impact on neuronal function and could also be used as preventative therapy to those who present with risk factor for Alzheimer’s Disease.

Our office has just received our first cold laser from Vielight which has been designed for traumatic and degenerative brain injuries.

The Truth about Cancer

Just about everyone has been effected by the big C word, Cancer. Either directly or by knowing someone that has been effected. Ty Bollinger’s father died of cancer and he decided that there were such few options available in the main stream to treat someone with cancer so he set out on a quest to find out more about what could be done.

He took a team of videographers and set out to interview over 100 experts over 20 countries on effective approaches in the treatment of cancer. He has now has a 9 series documentary that shares what he learned on this journey and he is sharing it with everyone to give them hope and other options in their challenges when being diagnosed with cancer.

I have reviewed his documentary and believe he has done all the research and homework for a person diagnosed with cancer but would not know where to begin looking. If you have been diagnosed or know someone who has been diagnosed or are just looking to be informed about prevention of cancer you will want to view this documentary. To access these go to

Our Attraction to Technology

We live in a world where technology provides so many different ways to access information and save us time in our lives. As Naturopathic Physicians, one of our principles is to look for the cause of symptoms. Sometimes this cause can be very evident, other times it can be very elusive. I have encountered a handful of patients in the past 3 months that have been effected by the Wearable Technology which has become very popular and very trendy in our overloaded lifestyles. Everyone wants to see that they are getting enough steps in their day, see how their heart rates are, and see how well they are sleeping, but at what price. I most recently had a patient come in that had made some major improvements in her life. She was exercising more, eating better and taking better care of her health this past year. Even with making all these improvements she was experiencing a feeling of joint pain after exercising and constant fatigue. When we did a health scan on her she exhibited imbalances with most of her organ acupuncture systems. In our observation during that appointment we noticed she was wearing a smart watch. We removed the smart watch and retested her to find out there was an improvement in three quarters of her organ acupuncture points. This patient was surprised, but confirmed that she had been experiencing these symptoms since she received the smart watch as a Christmas gift from her husband. Most wearable technology is wireless. Although many people’s bodies may be able to adapt to the ill effects of wireless technology, in the past 3 months I have only found one person who’s health was not effected by wearable technology. We now test everyone with a smart watch.


Researchers at UCLA say they’ve developed a program that shows for the first time memory loss being reversed using a non-drug protocol. They took ten patients with memory loss, some confirmed Alzheimer’s with brain scans. With all but one, reversed their memory loss. The one that did not respond had severe Alzheimer’s Disease. They followed up 2 ½ years later and were still doing well.


In the report provided by UCLA, Dr. Dale E. Bredesen explains how Alzheimer’s is a complex disease affected by sleep, diet, even exercise. In the study they had the patients make drastic lifestyle changes. They had the patients off processed foods, gluten, and simple carbohydrates. Increase their protein with fish. Take fish oil, Bi2 and melatonin. In addition do yoga, meditation, and get adequate amount of sleep.


UCLA researchers say the findings suggest at least early on, changing a person’s metabolic processes can bring back memory and cognitive function.



Pain , pain go away. Now with fall slowly coming upon us the dampness that we start to feel with the weather changes can aggravate our joints and accentuate pain and stiffness in our joints. The pain in our joints can be so debilitating, effecting how we function throughout our day and while we are sleeping at night.

September is National Arthritis Month. We are wanting to shine a light on awareness of the therapies and strategies in assisting in the treatment of Arthritis. Conventional therapies focus on pharmaceuticals which serve to mask symptoms and often have adverse effects. Problems with arthritic medications such as Vioxx, documented in the New England Journal of Medicine, have led many sufferers to seek safer alternatives.

At the Semiahmoo Wellness Center the Naturopathic Physicians focus on uncovering the cause of conditions. With arthritis there can be many factors that can induce swelling, inflammation and pain of the joints. Such factors include: allergies and food intolerances, nutritional deficiencies, stress and emotional issues, and trauma. The immune system can be effected by any or all of the above leading to inflammatory responses.

Strategies that we incorporate at our office are nutritional evaluation, food intolerance testing, evaluation of stressors and the use of cold laser therapy. We have been using cold laser as a very effective modality to decrease swelling, decrease pain, and heal tissue in arthritis.

Call the office today for an evaluation today.