The Semiahmoo Wellness Center has been using the ChiroThin weight loss program at our clinic for the past 5 years with great success. It is a doctor assisted program where we monitor you weekly to make sure you are losing fat and not muscle mass. You are not using shakes or powders but actual real food so that when you are finished the program you just keep eating real food. There are no injections with needles and no major exercise for the 6 weeks you are on the program. We have found that some people can lose weight with regular exercise and a very healthy diet, but others have a harder time losing those stubborn pounds. Our program is designed to look at how stress can impact your ability to lose weight and to help you lose weight the fastest and healthiest way possible. Give our office a call and book a complimentary 15 minute appointment to see if this program is for you.
Tag Archives: Naturopath
New Study confirms the importance of exercise and diet in prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease.
A new study shows that exercise, a Mediterranean diet and a healthy BMI all are associated with less tangles and lower levels of plaques seen on the brain scans of Alzheimer patients.
In addition, previous studies have linked a healthy lifestyle to delays in the onset of Alzheimer’s, but this new study is the first to demonstrate how lifestyle factors directly influence abnormal proteins in people with slight memory loss who have not been diagnosed with dementia thus far. In addition, these factors have also been shown to reduce shrinking of the brain and lower rates of atrophy in individuals with Alzheimer’s.
Nutritional Considerations
In addition to diet and exercise there are several nutrients to consider in treatment and prevention. In a study published last year in JAMA Neurology demonstrated a significant association between vitamin D insufficiency and cognitive decline specifically seen in Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
Cold Laser Therapy and Alzheimer”s
Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT) or Cold Laser Therapy has historically been used to treat inflammation, arthritis and musculo-skeletal injuries. More recently research has indicated it’s use and effectiveness in treating both traumatic brain injuries (concussions) and degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.
In Dr. David Permutter’s book, “The Better Brain” he states that Inflammation is linked to nearly all chronic brain diseases, including Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, M.S. and dementia. The National Institute of Health (NIH), published an abstract in December 2010, it stated that, “the applications of LLLT have broaden to include such as stroke,myocardial infarction and degenerative and traumatic brain disorders. “
The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 32 (2012), in the study “ Low Level Light Therapy Improves Cortical Metabolic Capacity and Memory Retention” came to conclusion that cold laser therapy had a significant impact on neuronal function and could also be used as preventative therapy to those who present with risk factor for Alzheimer’s Disease.
Our office has just received our first cold laser from Vielight which has been designed for traumatic and degenerative brain injuries.
Curcumin Can Help
I think one of the most difficult things for any practitioner is treating chronic conditions that have left a patient feeling helpless, frustrated and at the mercy of managing it with pharmaceutical drugs that bring with it, it’s side effects.
As an auto immune disease, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) falls into a category of illness that is typically difficult to treat beyond symptom control and if caught early enough – a slow down of joint degeneration.
As meds manage but can not stop the progression and there can be long term side effects, it is important to look at other possible therapies that are not harmful. There is hope for healing without complications. It is a compound that is known to practitioners of traditional Indian and Chinese medicine for generations: curcumin from turmeric (Curcuma longa).
Studies have shown that curcumin can reduce C-reactive protein (CPR) , a measure of chronic inflammation, as well as anti-streptococcal antibodies (ASO) titers, which correlate with severity of RA activity.
Another modality helpful in healing arthritis is cold laser therapy. We use the Bioflex Cold Laser in our clinic with impressive results. As Naturopathic Physicians we take a holistic approach to healing by looking at other environmental issues that may be related such as heavy metals and food sensitivities.
The Truth about Cancer
Just about everyone has been effected by the big C word, Cancer. Either directly or by knowing someone that has been effected. Ty Bollinger’s father died of cancer and he decided that there were such few options available in the main stream to treat someone with cancer so he set out on a quest to find out more about what could be done.
He took a team of videographers and set out to interview over 100 experts over 20 countries on effective approaches in the treatment of cancer. He has now has a 9 series documentary that shares what he learned on this journey and he is sharing it with everyone to give them hope and other options in their challenges when being diagnosed with cancer.
I have reviewed his documentary and believe he has done all the research and homework for a person diagnosed with cancer but would not know where to begin looking. If you have been diagnosed or know someone who has been diagnosed or are just looking to be informed about prevention of cancer you will want to view this documentary. To access these go to
Healthy Weight Loss is Attainable in 6 Weeks
The Semiahmoo Wellness Center has been using the ChiroThin weight loss program at our clinic for the past 1 ½ years with great success. It is a doctor assisted program where we monitor you weekly to make sure you are losing fat and not muscle mass. You are not using shakes or powders but actual real food so that when you are finished the program you just keep eating real food. There are no injections with needles and no major exercise for the 6 weeks you are on the program. We have found that some people can lose weight with regular exercise and a very healthy diet, but others have a harder time losing those stubborn pounds. Our program is designed to look at how stress can impact your ability to lose weight and to help you lose weight the fastest and healthiest way possible. As the New Year is fast approaching to avoid the rush, give our office a call and book a complimentary 15 minute appointment to see if this program is for you.