Beam Me Up Scottie!

I can’t believe that the technology that Star Trek that I was watching on TV 35 years ago is now a reality in my office. Lasers are becoming 21st century medicine. I was at a seminar in Phoenix, Arizona 2 months ago where Dr. John Brimhall was demonstrating the use of cold laser therapy applied to lobes of the brain to help up regulate or re-integrate areas of the brain and have a therapeutic effect on the nervous system. We are now using the procedure in our office and the results have been very eye opening. Using photon energy from a laser and seeing instantaneous change in anxiety in 20 minutes. Behaviour in an autistic child shift from disruptive to calm in 1 minutes using light therapy. This is non-invasive and non-toxic. What a nice addition to our clinic in South Surrey/ White Rock using Naturopathic Medicine.

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