Yes the 21st century is upon us! We are definitely in the energy era. New energy technology is emerging every few months. The new kid on the block is Cold Laser Therapy, also known as Low Intensity Laser Therapy. We have been using this type of therapy in our office for the past two and a half years with some pretty stunning results. Cold Laser uses photon energy applied to your tissues and cells to create biochemical energy to speed up healing. The applications of cold laser has rapidly expanded due to work of Dr. Fred Kahn M.D. who sees 800 patients a week out of his Toronto clinic. He uses the Bioflex Laser made by Medi-Tech which uses both red and infra-red laser and is one of the leaders in laser therapy.
We just had a patient in last month with a painful tendonitis of the shoulder and after a week of treatments she was able to resume playing the following week. I personally have fractured a rib playing summer ice hockey and should have been unable to work for 4-6 weeks. After daily laser treatments for a week I was able to resume work with some restrictions.
What I like about laser therapy is that it is quick at helping relieve pain, it is safe,it is drug free, and is on of the best modalities for treating soft tissue injuries. We have two cold lasers at our South Surrey clinic.