Laser Therapy for Fat Loss

I have been using cold laser therapy in our clinic for over 7 years for assisting in healing athletic injuries and soft tissue problems. In the past few years we have been introduced to a new non-invasive, non-toxic way to melt fat away naturally using cold laser therapy. It has been show cased on Dr. Oz, The Doctor’s Show and The Rachel Ray Show. Dr. Oz  says ” The Zerona Laser is a Fat Fighting Miracle”. Research has shown that six- 40 minute laser sessions over 2 weeks will result in an average of 3 1/2 inches of fat loss. It has also shown that it can reduce cholesterol which is a big concern of overweight individuals. For those with a higher BMI and are more than 30 pounds overweight additional sessions will be needed. Zerona is not only for women as excellent results are achieved with men. LaserBodysculpting in White Rock and North Vancouver was one of the first physician run clinics in Canada. This is not a substitute for a good diet and exercise.


Beam Me Up Scottie!

I can’t believe that the technology that Star Trek that I was watching on TV 35 years ago is now a reality in my office. Lasers are becoming 21st century medicine. I was at a seminar in Phoenix, Arizona 2 months ago where Dr. John Brimhall was demonstrating the use of cold laser therapy applied to lobes of the brain to help up regulate or re-integrate areas of the brain and have a therapeutic effect on the nervous system. We are now using the procedure in our office and the results have been very eye opening. Using photon energy from a laser and seeing instantaneous change in anxiety in 20 minutes. Behaviour in an autistic child shift from disruptive to calm in 1 minutes using light therapy. This is non-invasive and non-toxic. What a nice addition to our clinic in South Surrey/ White Rock using Naturopathic Medicine.