The Top 12 Foods to Reduce Inflammation and Help Autoimmune Diseases

When the body is inflamed, your immune system becomes weakened. This can lead to the development of inflammatory autoimmune conditions. Continuing the cycle, autoimmune conditions cause more inflammation in the body. The autoimmune diet is a powerful way to help in reducing inflammation and autoimmune conditions.

To prevent, improve, or heal from an autoimmune condition, a key step is to reduce inflammation in the body. The food we eat can be our strongest medicine.  Eating the right foods can assist your body in healing and eating the wrong foods can inflame the body.

An autoimmune diet focuses on real whole foods that are less likely to trigger inflammatory reactions rather than foods that are pro-inflammatory. .

autoimmune diet, Autoimmune Diet: Top 12 Best Foods to Reduce Inflammation


Researchers at UCLA say they’ve developed a program that shows for the first time memory loss being reversed using a non-drug protocol. They took ten patients with memory loss, some confirmed Alzheimer’s with brain scans. With all but one, reversed their memory loss. The one that did not respond had severe Alzheimer’s Disease. They followed up 2 ½ years later and were still doing well.


In the report provided by UCLA, Dr. Dale E. Bredesen explains how Alzheimer’s is a complex disease affected by sleep, diet, even exercise. In the study they had the patients make drastic lifestyle changes. They had the patients off processed foods, gluten, and simple carbohydrates. Increase their protein with fish. Take fish oil, Bi2 and melatonin. In addition do yoga, meditation, and get adequate amount of sleep.


UCLA researchers say the findings suggest at least early on, changing a person’s metabolic processes can bring back memory and cognitive function.


Alzheimer’s Disease is a Global Concern

Another year almost over! Lots of learning and a lot of changes as we move into the New Year. I was attending a seminar on ” Healthy Aging” last weekend and it sure drove home how the daily decisions we make about our food choices and health greatly impact our present and future health. One of the hot topics was Alzheimer’s Disease which is becoming quite a Global concern.

There presently are 750,000 Canadians suffering from Alzheimer’s or related conditions. Of the G 8 countries, Canada is the only country that does not have a prevention strategy. People with Alzheimer’s will double by 2033.Alzheimers is now considered to be Type 3 Diabetes. The key is to prevent it. There is a Prevention Protocol that has been developed with 14 items which we are starting to implement in our office starting December 18th. This is also a strategy that may help someone already dealing with Alzheimer’s Disease. If you are interested in knowing more or want to start using this protocol phone our office to make an appointment with one of our Naturopathic Physicians.