We Have a New Addition to Our Clinic !!

The Semiahmoo Wellness Centre would like to welcome Cindy Ma, an acupuncturist and TCM practitioner!

Coming from a family rooted in Acupuncture, Cindy has been developing her passion in TCM for over 10 years During this time, she has been extensively studying and practicing acupuncture and Chinese herbs in North America. Out of school she also received mentorship from worldwide experienced teachers. Cindy is currently registered as an active TCM Practitioner with CTCMA.

She treats women struggling with emotional issues from daily life. She also treats patients with injuries from sports and motor vehicle accidents. Cindy treats a variety of health concerns, as approved over 50 conditions by the World Health Organization.

Cindy is now accepting patients. To make an appointment with Cindy, call our office at 604-535-4003.



The Top 12 Foods to Reduce Inflammation and Help Autoimmune Diseases

When the body is inflamed, your immune system becomes weakened. This can lead to the development of inflammatory autoimmune conditions. Continuing the cycle, autoimmune conditions cause more inflammation in the body. The autoimmune diet is a powerful way to help in reducing inflammation and autoimmune conditions.

To prevent, improve, or heal from an autoimmune condition, a key step is to reduce inflammation in the body. The food we eat can be our strongest medicine.  Eating the right foods can assist your body in healing and eating the wrong foods can inflame the body.

An autoimmune diet focuses on real whole foods that are less likely to trigger inflammatory reactions rather than foods that are pro-inflammatory. .

autoimmune diet, Autoimmune Diet: Top 12 Best Foods to Reduce Inflammation


Pain , pain go away. Now with fall slowly coming upon us the dampness that we start to feel with the weather changes can aggravate our joints and accentuate pain and stiffness in our joints. The pain in our joints can be so debilitating, effecting how we function throughout our day and while we are sleeping at night.

September is National Arthritis Month. We are wanting to shine a light on awareness of the therapies and strategies in assisting in the treatment of Arthritis. Conventional therapies focus on pharmaceuticals which serve to mask symptoms and often have adverse effects. Problems with arthritic medications such as Vioxx, documented in the New England Journal of Medicine, have led many sufferers to seek safer alternatives.

At the Semiahmoo Wellness Center the Naturopathic Physicians focus on uncovering the cause of conditions. With arthritis there can be many factors that can induce swelling, inflammation and pain of the joints. Such factors include: allergies and food intolerances, nutritional deficiencies, stress and emotional issues, and trauma. The immune system can be effected by any or all of the above leading to inflammatory responses.

Strategies that we incorporate at our office are nutritional evaluation, food intolerance testing, evaluation of stressors and the use of cold laser therapy. We have been using cold laser as a very effective modality to decrease swelling, decrease pain, and heal tissue in arthritis.

Call the office today for an evaluation today.



September is National Arthritis Month. Conventional therapies focus on pharmaceuticals which mask the symptoms and very often have adverse side effects. These side effects have led arthritic sufferers to seek out natural safer alternatives.

Do you suffer from chronic pain throughout your day? Do you have to take medication everyday just to function? Cold Laser Therapy has helped many Canadians -from ordinary people to elite athletes – get rid of pain and get back to the activities they enjoy most: playing their sport, a round of golf, gardening, or playing with the grandkids.

The most common form of arthritis is degenerative osteoarthritis, affecting approximately 80% of the population by the age of 65. A clinical study of 98 patients presenting with osteoarthritis of the knee at the Meditech Laser Rehabilitation Centre in Toronto, Ontario showed a significant improvement rate in excess of 92%.

Cold Laser Therapy uses light energy which penetrates the tissue and converts it to bio-chemical energy. It’s effect is at the mitochondrial level of the cell giving the cell energy thereby increasing the healing effect for regeneration and repair.

The bioflex laser that we use at the Semiahmoo Wellness Center in South Surrey/White Rock is a non invasive, non-toxic therapy that works great for both acute and chronic conditions. We have experienced great success with osteoarthritis of the hip, knees, and spine.